The story


The road to the ultimate skin care serum started a long time ago. As I grew up as a small boy in Finland, in the small foresty town of Kalimenkylä, I was fascinated by why there was Lavender in my mother’s hand cream, why Chamomile tea is so soothing and why oranges always smell like the sun, no matter how dark it is outside.

Growing up in nature, I have always realized that we as humans are only a small part of it and can never comprehend how universal its power is and how great the potential is of natural resources. This being said, it wasn’t until my teenage years that I made the connection between this power and the ultimate skincare.

My journey to good skin started when I dealt with acne as a teenager. No matter what product I tried, no brand cleared my skin as promised, in fact, the products often made my skin dry and chapped. My pores were clogged and I looked tired.

similia similibus solvuntur

After much research I came across the ‘like dissolves like’ principle online. This means that a substance likes to dissolve in a substance with the same polarity. My skin was oily, so I had to find something with the same base. Because of this, I started experimenting with natural oils and it worked amazingly well. The acne disappeared and the oils returned my skin to a healthy and calm state.

After this amazing result, I did more research and – inspired by my mother’s natural skin care – combined oils for the perfect result against oily skin. I chose Tea Tree Oil to control the breakouts and Lavender Oil to calm the inflammation. That worked and confirmed that the solution for healthy and beautiful skin lay in nature.

9 Essential

Years later, with my own acne-prone skin far behind me, I delved into the natural healing traditions of the world and found out that for the ultimate daily skincare product, I needed to combine multiple oils from those traditions. The nine ingredients we use, have been considered sacred for centuries and are fully in line with our philosophy: “Healthy skin is beautiful skin.”

Originally I was producing the serum from home, but soon I noticed that the demand was greater than my kitchen could supply. After a little search I found a beautiful organic lab in Finland to produce the serum to the same high natural standard and so 9 Skincare was born.

Love, Juha-Matti Manninen

Juha-Matti Manninen


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